Case Histories

Waste-to-Energy Boiler
Italy 2024

  • Waste-to-Energy Boiler and auxiliaries
  • Thermal Input 25 MWth
  • Steam Prodcution 28t/h @41 bar, 423º C

Cogeneration Waste Heat Recovery Boiler Downstream
Biomass Combustion Process
France 2023

  • Transforms meat & bone mill  in SYNGAS to deliver high-pressure Steam 
  • High pressure steam used to produce Electricity and low-pressure steam reused in Plant
  • Thermal Input 20 MWth
  • Production of 27 t/h of Saturated Steam @45 bar, 455º C 

HRSG Papermill
Saudia Arabia 2021

  • Max Steam Production 16t/h 
  • Operating Steam Pressure 20 /18 bar
  • Saturated Steam Temperature 215º C 
  • Feed Water Temperature 97º C 
  • Flue Gas Design Temperature 600º C 
  • Flue Gas Design Flow 162,000 kg/h
Increase Energy Efficiency with a HRSG

Papermill Carmignano

  • Supply of 1 HRSG w/ Post-firing and Fresh-Air Firing downstream system  GT CX300
  • 28t/h of Saturated Steam @15 bar

Biomass-Fired WHR Project
Distillery Anagni

  •  T/K Supplier of WHR project 
  • Downstream 50 MWth Biomass Fired Boiler 
  • Hot Water Loop,  Flue Gas Cooler
  • Flue gas flow 115,000 Nm3/h;  175°C
  • 2 MWth/h Thermal Energy recovered

T/K Supplier of HRSG & Engineering of WHR Project
Steel Mill Terni

  •  T/K Supplier of HRSG portion of project to recover heat from exhaust flue gas downstream from WALKING BEAM Furnace, then returning flue gas to the existing chimney
  • HRSG for 26t/h 280°C Superheated  Steam @ 20 barg  
  • Basic engineering of WHR Project
EPC for WHRU Project
  •  T/K Supplier of WHR project 
  • Downstream 50 MWth Biomass Fired Boiler 
  • Hot Water Loop,  Flue Gas Cooler
  • Flue gas flow 115,000 Nm3/h;  175°C
  • 2 MWth/h Thermal Energy recovered
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